Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Minimize Asthma Attacks

If you have asthma, you're not alone. Currently, more than 25 million Americans suffer from the condition. With asthma, symptoms range from mild to severe, where in some cases you may experience violent asthma attacks.
While asthma may become a serious problem, you can still help to control it with a few simple lifestyle changes that can really help you minimize your symptoms. Here at Firshein Center in Manhattan, New York, your health is of the greatest priority to Dr. Richard Firshein and his team. That’s why we’ve compiled this guide to help you manage your asthma symptoms and live a fully productive life.
What is asthma?
When you have asthma, your airways can narrow and swell, producing excessive mucus and making it harder for you to breathe. You may also notice coughing and wheezing at times when your condition worsens. While the problem’s severity varies from individual to individual, some may experience life-threatening asthma attacks.
Minimizing symptoms
Because asthma can worsen with certain triggers, it’s important to recognize what triggers can exacerbate your condition. Here are a few tips and precautions to help you maintain optimal health and well-being.
Stay active
Regular exercise can actually improve your condition, manage symptoms, and strengthen both your heart and lungs. Swimming and sports like baseball where there are frequent breaks are best in this case.
Maintain a healthy weight
Carrying excess weight can exacerbate the symptoms associated with asthma. It can also put you at risk for developing other health problems, so be sure to maintain a healthy weight.
Use an air conditioner
Certain contaminants in the air, like pollen, dust, and pet dander, can worsen asthma symptoms. An air conditioner can help your symptoms by reducing contaminants in the air, lowering humidity, and reducing dust mites. It’s also a good idea to keep your windows closed during seasons where there’s more pollen in the air.
Keep your home clean
It’s a good idea to wear a mask while cleaning to reduce your exposure to dust. But you’ll want to minimize dust and contaminants in your home by keeping a clean environment. Additionally, you might want to use dust-proof covers, remove any carpeting in your home, and use washable blinds and curtains.
Mold spores can also worsen your symptoms, so be sure to clean damp areas like your bathroom and kitchen. Mold can also accumulate in your yard, so be sure to clean damp firewood and moldy leaves.
Keep medications on hand
You’ll want to keep medications, like your inhaler, accessible. This is especially important when you’re working out.
Having asthma doesn’t have to keep you from living a fulfilled life. At Firshein Center, we’re committed to helping you feel better. Call us or request an appointment on our website today.
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